Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Edmund Burke, a british statesman and philospher, once said 'All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing'

Since, I am convinced of being a good man, I decided to vote in this general election. I logged on to to be awakened. I indeed was awakened, primarily for 2 reasons
  • I found the site to be amazing . . a voting guide for dummies
  • I found that I cannot vote. I need to spend 6 months in a constituency to vote

I now had 2 options
  • Close the google chrome browser and resume refurbishment of my resume or
  • As instructed by Edmund Burke . .  do something

I chose latter over the former. I initated awakenening of other 3 members of my family. Sadly, one of them too failed to qualify the 6 month eligibility criterion. Nevertheless, the other 2 were awakened . . relevant forms filled and submitted. I was happy and proudly indulged in brief self appreciation.

We never realize that the evil has arrived until it leaves the neighbouring house and knocks on our door. When it does, we crouch behind the sofa set, switch off the lights, turn off the TV, maintain pin drop silence . . hoping the evil would be fooled into believing that no one is at home.

All in vain. The neighbours have already shared the evidence of us being at home. They are very cross with us for ignoring their wails for help when the evil was engrossed in crucifying them. It is now our turn.

On a marginally more direct note, society returns with compounded interest whatever investment is placed with it. Hence, society's pampered asset (i.e. revenue generator) should be extremely careful before chosing to invest indifference into it . . whatever be the excuse. 

Make a difference . . vote . . disregard if it takes ten minutes or even ten days of unpaid leave.

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