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Once in a blue moon, comes forth a motion picture which forces you to rise up from the sofa set and then drives you right out of the celluloid, leaving it unfinished.
The plot is fairly simple -
A dejected NASA scientist together with a terrorist organization wishes to blow up CST, Airport and Nanavati Hospital. There efforts are hampered by Nihal (Jakky), bloke from Chandigarh, who has the gift to see future apart from the regular gifts which make him the best of dancers, singers, fighters, scholars and dirt bikers.
The kid is exceptional. If Mr Abrams and Mr Howard are still waddling in pride of sporting the best of human brains in 'Star Trek - The Future Begins' and 'Angles & Demons', they should see Nihal in action. Sadly, my doggedness gave way and I could not hang around till the end to view all of Nihal's exploits. Blame it on overdose of masterminds in the lapsed week. Prof Robert, Ms Vittori, Capt james Kirk, Spock and now Nihal.
It is time for me to seek the lesser mortals . . say Dilbert !!!
Many Thanks for this piece of information. I am on your link now.