Monday, July 6, 2009

Can, Should, Why?

Our future boundaries are unknown frontiers today, assuming we setup upon to explore new frontiers and overcome the 3 deterrents which inspire the title of this post.

  • Can I do this? - About 20% of the lot drops out here. We can readily recall hearing excuses such as 'I cannot do it, it does not gel with my image' or 'I cannot do it, it is way too risky' or very simply 'It is not possible'.
  • Should I do this? - Another 20% opt out at this penultimate stage citing reasons which might sound logical to many. They are convinced about their ability to accomplish the task but do not consider it worth the effort. Remember hearing 'Not Interested' or 'I just do not have the time' or 'How would I benefit?'.
  • Why am I doing this? - This is the final stage incidentally recording the largest number of drop outs. You are both convinced and capable of doing something and hence venture into it. However, few or at times many steps down the line there comes a defining moment of self justification - Is the frontier really worth the trade offs made?. If answer is not a discrete 'Yes', the final and the most powerful deterrent sprouts up.

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